Welcome to my landing page!

Screenshot of Jetpac by Ultimate Play The Game. Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jetpac#/media/File%3AJetpac.gif

The original blog (and a few other pages) is still available but probably won't be updated anymore. All future content will just be linked from this page.

"Tell my wife I love her very much, she knows"


I'm currently working as a DBRE at Life360

I've created a short page for recruiters too, and here's where I keep links to some of my presentations.

Random list of things I've done professionally:

  • MySQL performance analysis and optimization (independently, at Percona, and at Pythian)
  • Tooling for MongoDB and MySQL
  • Rebase work maintaining private MySQL branches for the DBaaS product of a Cloud vendor
  • Programming work in Java, C, C++, Ruby, Go, and Python
  • Private benchmarks

The journey to emacs proficiency is a lifetime one, and it includes developing the skill of knowing when you've customized it enough.

My first recommendation is to read the book Mastering Emacs and to make it a habit to check Sacha Chua's blog, which is a treasure trove of all things Emacs.

My second recommendation is that you try org-mode, as it's one of the best text-based knowledge organization and task management software out there.

Always remember emacs is programmable and you don't need to use the builtin key bindings. For years (more than a decade actually) I used evil-mode, which gives you vim key bindings on emacs. I'm now mostly using the default ones for simple things, but otherwise my setup is heavily customized. You can read a list of posts on this topic at the following links:

"What's a boy to do? Just be a darling and I will be too, faithful to you"